
A Maya Angelou poem

Did this PowerPoint presentation for a class, trying to insert it here for the enjoyment of my reader. :p Don't know if it will actually load up from my hard drive, since it is not precisely a photo nor a video.

Rats. Upload failed. Will have to try something else, somehow.

So, anyway. Cefin is home sick today, generalized "not feeling good"... no fever, no vomiting, but he has actually been lying very quietly in his bed all morning, even sleeping some. So I guess I made the right choice letting him stay home from school.

Meanwhile, I am still waiting for the Dell technician to come to work on the laptop. I am checking out some online radio stations, making a list and checking it twice. Will save as a Google document and probably a notecard to myself for the treehouse land. Mostly Asian/middle eastern stuff. WickedKarma.com has twelve distinct and very good streams - the Baron had that on the COnsulate land in ANtiquity so I nipped the site from there. He has that set to "Classica" which is orchestral soundtracks and themes for the most part. I wonder if they play the music from Firefly/Serenity?


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