
Strangers in Steelhead

Probably no stranger than the residents, but unknown to this one. The other night I was clearing out my property for the installation of my amazing new Lunar-built treehouse (it is in situ, more on that later), and was joined by Mr. Silverspur Hotshot (a friend of the lovely Ms. Riven Homewood), whom I have met and conversed with during several previous of my late-nigth perambulations. Although he is a panther wearing bluejeans, this is not the stranger of whom I speak at present. While I was moving my rugs and cushions around, a young lady flew in and plopped herself down on one of the mats, started complaining about the positioning of the seat-sets, and barely acknowledged my presence. I was taken aback by this lack of common courtesy, and took myself to the inlet to fiddle about with things there for a while. She left eventually and I continued my night's work.

I suppose I should have just ignored her presence as she was ignoring mine, and moved the carpet with her on it and stuck it where I wanted it to go... perhaps next time I will be less surprised by someone's rudeness. It is a testament to the overall courtesy of the residents with whom I associate that such a casual action by someone would be a surprise. For that I continue to be grateful, and ever more certain that I have settled myself in the right place in Steelhead.

I will post more later today, with photos of the treehouse being set by Lunar with an audience of myself, Frau Lowey, and Madame Quetzal. Would that the entirety of Steelhead and the Wulfenbach Consulate could have been there. 'Twould have been a party, no matter the house. The ever-resourceful Frau Lowey could barely await the final settling of the house on it's foundation (and a gorgeous tree that is) before rushing inside and setting up dance-sets. It is an incredible place for a party, so please look forward to it being Myfi's Fun House, and available for others who need ample room to share with friends.

With that, I retire for a bit before Cefin comes home from school and the fight begins anew. Though my head is threatening to explode, I am hoping that my temper does not.

Myfi (I'm thinking I should go to Fanwy, so we'll be Tanwy and Fanwy, and especially since there is another Myfi in town and as everyone knows, There Can Be Only One)

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