Greetings, fellow Steelhead and other friends. I used to blog periodically on LiveJournal (and may yet again sometime) but decided to set up this for my Second Life adventures, or midadventures as they may be.
My SL RezDay was August 24 of this year. I was lured in by my sister Tanarian Davies, and taken under the loving and amazingly efficient wing of Annechen Lowey. Frau Lowey found a spot for me in the Wulfenbach Consulate, helped me settle in safely and has done her best to ensure my happiness. Ms. Weatherwax, another Consulate attache has also been a great help. I found Steelhead via the Wulfenbach Consulate, and it seemed just the place for me. Since my first visit to Steelhead City I've hardly been elsewhere, except for shopping and litmited exploration of the greater world. My idiosyncracies are giggled at, accepted, or just plain overlooked... heaven!
My sisters Tanarian and Teleri and I have bought conjoining tracts of land in the new Steelhead Harborside, and we are eagerly awaiting its unveiling. We three sisters who come to SL (there are others) are as different as night and day, and as close, with our edges overlapping and giving way to each other. We are each still exploring ourselves and our world.
I am married to IoanBran Llewellyn, serving the government as a peacemaker and mediator in political and military situations. These duties keep him from me and our 11-year-old son Cefin for often extended periods of time. We continue to rely on the support of our family and newfound friends in Steelhead and Caledon. The Davies sisterhood includes Ioan and his brother Allium (a foundling whose origins are unknown), as well as Myfanwy, Tanarian and the DarkSister Teleri.
Dydd da, chwaer! [waves]
You have few idiosyncrasies that do not also have complimentary assets. I hope your home in Steelhead will be as special as you are.
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